Archive of Artwork

Maternity, Grey/white stone, 14.5" x 9" x 7", in the collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art

Untitled Head 2, Grey stone on a steel rod, 10" x 9" x 9", in the collection of Southern Utah Museum of Art

Mother and Child, Wood, 33" x 11" x 7", in the collection of Benton Museum of Art

Untitled Bust 1, Sandstone, 14.5" x 12" x 9", in the collection of Southern Utah Museum of Art

St. Margaret and the Dragon, Pink alabaster, 24" x 12" x 8" , in the collection of LSU Museum of Art

St. Margaret and the Dragon, Pink alabaster, 24" x 12" x 8" , in the collection of LSU Museum of Art

Judith and Holofernes, 1950’s, Wood, 29" x 8" x 8" In the collection of the Yale University Art Gallery.

Maternity, 1955, wood, 43”x 9” x9”, Collection of Mia Borgatta

Untitled Wooden Figure, 1950’s, Wood, 14" x 6" x 5", Collection of Paola Borgatta

Cleopatra, Pink marble, 11" x 9" x 10", Collection of Raymond Schragg

Untitled Head and Torso 1 (Abstract), Red alabaster on a wood plinth, 11" x 5.5" x 2.5"

Untitled Head 3, White marble with grey veins, 15" x 8" x 9", Collection of Francesa Borgatta

Summertime, Red marble, 17”x 11”x 8”, Collection of Mia Borgatta

Untitled Figure 1, Pink marble, 19" x 12" x 9.5" In the collection of Brookgreen Garden.

Pentimento, 1987, White marble, 18.5” x 11.5” x 14”, Collection of Olivia Werby

Water Witch, Grey/white stone on black plinth, 26" x 13.5" x 4" In the collection of Brookgreen Garden.

Mr. Katz, Grey/white marble, 22.5 x 15” x 13”, Collection of Paola Borgatta

Untitled Figure #2, White stone, 22” x 8” x 5.5” In the collection of the Tang Museum.

Athena, 1993, Marble, 30" x 8.5" x 11" In the collection of the Smith College Museum of Art.

Maya, 1991, Red marble, 28" x 10" x 10", Collection of Colby College Museum, Waterville, Maine

Aurora, 1979, White/ tan marble, 20” x 26” x 3.5" In the collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art.

Dreamer, Marble, 8" x 17" x 10" In the collection of Brookgreen Gardens.

Seraph, 1998, Grey granite, 10” x 25” x 8”, Collection of Jasper Werby

Jaguar Woman, 1992, Grey granite, 27.5" x 16" x 12", Collection of Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Jaguar Woman (back view)

Affirmation, 1982, Green stone, 29" x 20" x 13" In the collection of Brookgreen Garden.

Mantillada, Grey stone, 22’ x 15" x 8"

Minerva, 1991, Grey stone, 18” x 13” x 11”, Collection of Jaya Borgatta

Silvana, Red stone on black plinth, 16" x 4" x 8" In the collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art.

Leda, 1985, White marble, 21” x 23” x 23”, Collection of Francesca Borgatta

Untitled Figure 3, White stone, 11.5" x 12" x 8" In the collection of Brookgreen Gardens.

Untitled, Green marble, 16” x 9.5” x 11.5”, Collection of Francesca Borgatta

The Happy Burden, 1954, Ebony, 20” x 8” x 7”, Collection of Paola Borgatta

Sibyl, 1981, Pink marble, 15.5" x 13" x 10" In the collection of Brookgreen Gardens.

Eagle, White stone on stone plinth, 12 x 5" x 3", Collection of Wendy Nadherny

Untitled Head 1, Pink Marble, 8.5" x 5" x 8"

Francesca, 2016, Limestone on a black stone plinth, 11.5" x 6" x 10", Collection of Mia Borgatta

Fish Cloaked Hero, White stone, 20.5" x 6.5" x 11.5", Collection of VCCA, Virginia Center for the Arts, Amherst, Va.

"Heavy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown", 1991, Grey granite, 16.5" x 22" x 9", Collection of Brookgreen Gardens, Murrel's Inlet, SC

Pamela, 1986, Pink marble, 15.5" x 18" x 9", Collection of Brookgreen Gardens, Murrel's Inlet, SC

Luna, 1990, Pink stone on post with green marble plinth, 10" x 20" x 6"